Design and code for an epic fly’n’roll quest through the streets of London, promoting BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend 2012. Produced by Littleloud with art by Gary J. Lucken. Fly, bounce, roll, surf.
Posts tagged ‘bbc’
Chris Moyles’ Hackney Dash
CBBC prototyping
I’ve been working closely with the CBBC R&D department to design and prototype a series of game engine templates which can be skinned, modified and extended. The project goal is to allow development teams within CBBC to be able to theme a game template for a particular brand without the need for much-squabbled-over technical resources […]
A multiplayer game for CBBC, based on the TV quiz show of the same name. Players must work together to complete a series of tasks… apart from the saboteur, who must scupper their plans! This was a pretty ambitious project. I worked closely with the BBC Prototyping team to get a multiplayer server up and […]