Posts tagged ‘bbc’

May 22, 2012

Chris Moyles’ Hackney Dash

Design and code for an epic fly’n’roll quest through the streets of London, promoting BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend 2012. Produced by Littleloud with art by Gary J. Lucken. Fly, bounce, roll, surf.

November 19, 2010

CBBC prototyping

I’ve been working closely with the CBBC R&D department to design and prototype a series of game engine templates which can be skinned, modified and extended. The project goal is to allow development teams within CBBC to be able to theme a game template for a particular brand without the need for much-squabbled-over technical resources […]

April 1, 2009


A multiplayer game for CBBC, based on the TV quiz show of the same name. Players must work together to complete a series of tasks… apart from the saboteur, who must scupper their plans! This was a pretty ambitious project. I worked closely with the BBC Prototyping team to get a multiplayer server up and […]